Clark County Legal News, newspaper, news, legal, legal newspaper, legal news, legal notice, legal ad, legal publication, publish a legal notice, publish a legal ad, publication, Clark, Clark County, County, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, Bunkerville, Mt. Charleston, Jean, Primm, Laughlin, Nevada, Southern Nevada

      The following is a sample of a Notice to Sell Property to Enforce a Judgment.

      You may copy the following Legal Notice to your word processor, insert the appropriate information, and, paste it into the box on the Legal Notice publication page at Click here for Legal Notice publication page

          NOTICE OF SALE


          At [insert TIME OF SALE here] on [insert DATE OF SALE here] at
          [insert LOCATION OF SALE here] the herein described real property
          located in the County of Clark, Nevada shall be sold at public auction
          by the Clark County Sheriff to the highest bidder for lawful money of
          the United States or a Cashier's Check.

          Assessor's Parcel Number:
          [insert ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER here] .

          The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real
          property described above is purported to be:
          [insert STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE here] .

          The owner of the real property is purported to be:
          [insert FULL NAME OF CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER(S) here] .

          Date: [insert CURRENT DATE here]

          Douglas C. Gillespie,
          Clark County Sheriff



      This information is not intended to provide legal advice or substitute for the advice of counsel.

      As the law is subject to change and due to differing interpretations, the reader should contact an attorney directly for legal advice.

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