Clark County Legal News, newspaper, news, legal, legal newspaper, legal news, legal notice, legal ad, legal publication, publish a legal notice, publish a legal ad, publication, Clark, Clark County, County, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, Bunkerville, Mt. Charleston, Jean, Primm, Laughlin, Nevada, Southern Nevada

      The following is a sample of a typical Public Notice of a Citation to Appear and Show Cause.

      It is typically used to show that a person has filed a Court Petition for Guardianship of a Minor.

      The Notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once a week for 4 successive weeks - at least 20 days before the court hearing.

      You may copy the following Legal Notice to your word processor, insert the appropriate information, and, paste it into the box on the Legal Notice publication page at Click here for Legal Notice publication page




        In the Matter of the Guardianship of the person, [insert full current NAME OF MINOR here],

        CASE NUMBER [insert Case Number here]
        DEPARTMENT [insert Department letter or number here]

        TO: [insert NAME OF MINOR here]
        TO: JOHN DOE and JANE DOE
        TO: THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, and, Any person having the care, custody and control of the Proposed Ward.

        YOU ARE HEREBY CITED and required to appear before a Judge of this Court at the date, time and place specified below and to show cause, if any, why the Proposed Ward should not be declared incompetent or in need of a guardian for his/her person and/or estate and to further show cause, if any, why Petitioner [insert NAME PETITIONER (your name) here] should not be appointed to act as Guardian of the Proposed Ward's person and/or estate.

        YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Guardian will have the management and control of the minor's person and/or estate. The minor has the right to appear at the hearing, the right to oppose this Petition at the hearing and the right to be represented by an attorney, who may be appointed by the Court if he/she is unable to retain one.

        THIS CITATION is based upon the verified Petition for Appointment of Guardian filed by [insert NAME PETITIONER (your name) here].

        NOTE: The Proposed Ward and Petitioner need to appear at the scheduled hearing; all other interested parties do not need to appear unless they wish to enter an objection.


        [insert Month, Date, Year and Time here]

        Family Court
        601 N. Pecos Road
        Las Vegas, NV 89101

        Dated [insert Date of the ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION here]

        Clerk of the Court

        by: Deputy Clerk
        Family Court and Services Center
        601 N. Pecos Road
        Las Vegas, NV 89101


      This information is not intended to provide legal advice or substitute for the advice of counsel.

      As the law is subject to change and due to differing interpretations, the reader should contact an attorney directly for legal advice.

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